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MIC Injection
for Fat Loss

What are MIC Injections?

MIC injections aka "skinny shots" or as we call it at BelleBeaute "ozeMIC" is designed to decrease fatty tissue and increase metabolism. It includes three lipotropic compounds known to promote the release of fatty deposits in different areas of the body: Methionine, Inositol and Choline.

This plays a key part in helping the liver process fatty acids and the body break fat down during metabolic processes. Methionine is an antioxidant, can decrease fat and lead to lower cholesterol, encouraging better health overall. The body cannot produce methionine on its own: it’s typically found in potatoes, spinach, Brazil nuts, and other healthy foods.

Inositol is a carbohydrate but not a sugar, found in oranges, bananas, and other fruits. It can help the body redistribute and metabolize fat more efficiently. Inositol can promote calm feelings and enhance sleep. 

​The liver produces choline but only in small amounts. It promotes proper fat metabolism, and also assists in healthy detoxification. Choline may also enhance memory, support a healthy nervous system and reduce the risk of heart disease

Benefits of M.I.C


Promoting Weight Loss

The nutrients in fat burner shots are believed to help boost metabolism and promote fat burning, which may help with weight loss.


Increased Energy

Some people report increased energy levels after receiving fat burner shots, which may help with exercise and other physical activities.


Improved Mood

Some of the vitamins and nutrients in fat burner shots, such as B-complex vitamins, may help to improve mood and reduce stress.


Improved Body Composition

Fat burner shots may help to reduce body fat and increase lean muscle mass, which can lead to improvements in body composition.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Long to See Results? It often takes up to 3 to 4 weeks to start noticing the weight loss benefits of MIC injections. However, results are dependent on your diet and exercise. Additionally, the effects of a boosted metabolism might be felt or noticed prior to seeing the weight loss begin.

What are the Benefits? Lipotropic injections are safe, give energy when reducing caloric intake, and are often used in diet plans that initiate additional weight loss and enhance weight loss results. The nutrients in lipo shots are a class of agents that play important roles in the body’s use of fat. These compounds help the liver process those fat cells out of the body.

Do MIC injections hurt? When MIC Injections are administered correctly you may feel a slight pinch, a local warming under the skin or a small tightness in the general injection location. If needed, a topical or local numbing agent could be applied.

Are MIC Injections Safe? For most patients MIC Injections are safe. Most patients will experience no side effects other than the induced weight loss that the MIC Injections are created to achieve. There is the possibility of a small number of patients experiencing side effects, such as an upset stomach.

Lipo C Injections: What Does it Do to the Body? Lipotropic Injections promote the removal of fat from the liver and reduce the production of fat.

How Many Shots Do You Need? The exact dosage of your injections will depend on what ingredients are being used. Regardless of the dosage, your practitioner may recommend weekly shots for several weeks. This may be for a few months at a time or until you reach your weight loss goal.

Where do you inject MIC injections? The fat burning injections site can be the buttocks, thigh, hip or upper arm.

B12 Shots and Lipotropic Shots: What is the Difference? B12 shots and lipotropic shots are both types of injections that are used to support weight loss and promote overall health, but they contain different ingredients and work in slightly different ways. B12 shots typically contain only vitamin B12, which is a nutrient that is essential for energy metabolism and nervous system function. B12 shots are often used to treat vitamin B12 deficiency, which can cause fatigue, weakness, and other symptoms. Lipotropic shots, on the other hand, typically contain a combination of amino acids, vitamins, and other nutrients to help promote weight loss and fat metabolism. Lipotropic shots often contain B-complex vitamins, which can help to boost energy and support overall health, as well as other nutrients like methionine, inositol, and choline, which promote fat metabolism and help with weight loss. In summary, while both B12 shots and lipotropic shots can be used to support weight loss and overall health, B12 shots contain only vitamin B12, while lipotropic shots contain a blend of amino acids, vitamins, and other nutrients that promote fat metabolism and weight loss.

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